
Strengthening Discussion in the Boardroom

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Robert Maddox

Lively and productive discussions, in which board members are unafraid to dissent, are critical to strong corporate governance. This is evidenced by a board that shows up to meetings prepared to ask questions and challenge senior management about progress against the bank’s strategic plan, says Robert Maddox, a partner at the law firm Bradley Arant Boult Cummings. By setting strong rules and procedures in advance, boards can mitigate issues posed by underperformance and dominant personalities. 

Topics discussed include: 

  • The Importance of Credible Challenge
  • The Value of Regular Executive Sessions 
  • Addressing Board Performance  

To learn more, see The Ins & Outs of Governance in Bank Director’s Online Training Series.


Robert Maddox


Robert Maddox is a partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP.  In the past decade, Mr. Maddox handled more national/multi-state attorneys’ general investigations and related consent judgments than any attorney in the United States.  His work involves representing clients before the CFPB, DOJ, EOUST, OCC, FRB, HUD, SEC and multiple state regulatory agencies, including banking, finance and insurance agencies. With Bradley’s national competitive fee advantage, Mr. Maddox continued the firm’s representation post-consent judgment on most matters to handle redress of business systems, internal and external reporting, and account remediation – and still provides board training, compliance, and litigation representation to many of those same clients. Mr. Maddox stands behind his work product and advice and supports clients through challenging times and then celebrates their business successes.