JW Marriott Tampa Water Street
May 13 – 15, 2024

Conference Overview

Knowing how to foster the strategic connection between bank and fintech into a powerful and lucrative partnership is the primary focus for Bank Director’s Experience FinXTech, the industry’s leading financial technology event. During this conference, industry leaders  from across the country come together to explore the best-of-the-best financial technologies and learn how to create a mutually beneficial partnership.

Over a two-day period, we examine the implications of technology on the business of banking and explore how banks and fintechs can thrive through the cultivation of new business relationships, collaboration and strategic investments.

FinXTech Connect Tech Talks
Throughout the event, we host four FinXTech Connect Tech Talks that showcase up to five technology companies per session that banks should be aware of as they consider new strategies. Each presenter addresses the problem their company’s technology solves, the bank’s benefit and the steps to move forward.

Pre-Conference Opportunity | Monday, May 13

Fintech Simulation Workshop + Peer Exchange
This hands-on fintech simulation workshop provides a multifaceted approach to developing and integrating a technology partnership from start to finish. Each workshop session offers valuable insights through real-world case studies and includes the how-to’s around decision-making, integration, market analysis and more. Sessions 2 and 3 also include a peer exchange, which allows participants the chance to break into small groups to discuss topics related to the sessions. This workshop is exclusive to 45 FI attendees only – up to two FI leaders per institution, and no capital markets titles. This session is not for investment bank leaders of any kind.

For more information, please contact our events department directly at [email protected] or 877-397-7595.

“As a director, I am certainly no tech-savant.
The conference was a great introduction to all that is available.”

– Past Attendee

Experience FinXTech 2024

Bank Director’s Experience FinXTech is the industry’s leading financial technology event that explores cutting-edge technologies, uncovers innovative solutions and examines successful strategic investments.